Thursday, 1 December 2011


This stop motion animation was created as a college work assignment. The other purpose of this video would be entertainment for people who are watching it on-line. The video was created by using a plain back drop, a white wall, and adding the props such as the computer and desk. then the animation is created by using only post-it nots of all different colours. The post its were stuck to the wall and pictures were taken in between moving the post its in the the positions they need to be in and then when all the pictures are put together it transforms in to a stop motion animation video. to complete the 2minute video it took 3months of planning, 4days of shooting and over 6000 post-it notes.
the strengths of this video, i would say, is the creativeness and using only post is notes to make the video.
I don't think there are any weaknesses about the video as the animation is smooth and is well made. 

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